Miles Run/Walked in April
Dollars Raised/Sponsored
$0 of $500 Goal
My Goal:
I hope to raise $500 and walk/run 90 miles in April! My Reason: As the Founder and Executive Director of Hope's 2nd Chance I obviously believe in everything H2C and know the great need for this organization. I am also training for my first ever 10K in May so this brings everything together: preparing for the race and raise funds for the organization I love. My Plan: I am a VERY slow runner! I will most likely still be walking some too. I love to bring my border collie with me when I run so she most likely will join me the majority of the time. Although, she sometimes decides she's tired and refuses to run as far as I would like. My Location: Saranac, Lowell, Lake Odessa, and Ionia, MI |